How we increased one client's revenue by 707% in less than 10 weeks

The Challenge:

  • Growing their YouTube channel
  • Driving leads and sales from YouTube content
  • Developing effective YouTube ad campaigns

The Result:

  • 707% revenue increase
  • 4.19 ROAS
  • 19.7% reduction in cost per sale

What You Will Learn In This Case Study…

✅ The importance of knowing what YouTube content is working, why it is working and how to improve your existing YouTube content

✅ How to run YouTube ads to supercharge your channel growth

✅ How to build YouTube ad campaigns that both your customers and YouTube love – to profitably drive leads and sales alongside strengthening your brand


Our client was struggling to grow their YouTube channel and drive leads and sales from their content. 

Despite creating good videos and running YouTube ads, their approach was unstructured and their growth was slow.

The Solution

The first step we took was to identify our client’s best content through a free Xray analysis of their channel.

This showed us what video content was working, why it was working and how to use that data to reliably better their best videos.

No more guesswork, no more shooting in the dark.

The Xray gave our client the certainty they needed to improve their content and boost retention.

The never-before-seen data insights showed them what types of videos they should be creating to meet their business objectives.

The Xray also revealed the ideal videos to promote using our unique AMPLIFY strategy, which focuses on getting the best content in front of the brand’s target audience for as little as $5 a day.

This is how you profitably drive leads and sales at the same time as supercharging channel growth and strengthening a brand.

And unlike direct response YouTube ads, this strategy didn’t require our client to create a new type of ads because it all comes down to promoting the content they were already creating.

We built In-feed campaigns so that our client’s content appeared in key areas such as the YouTube search results, Watch Next and the Home Feed of their ideal customer.

This resulted in a rapid increase in views on their videos, as seen in the graph below: 

A graph showing the increase in views alongside ad spend

We can clearly see how much faster their YouTube channel is growing.

Not only that, but our client also saw a huge uplift in lead gen as a result of these ads. 

A graph showing an increase in leads in correlation with ad spend

Thanks to our unique AMPLIFY strategy, our client was advertising on YouTube in a way that their customers loved.

They were delivering value with their content before asking for an opt-in or sale, and they didn’t have to rely on big claims or hype to get their target audience to take action.

YouTube also loves this way of advertising.

By creating good content with strong retention, viewers will stay on the platform for longer – which has a direct impact on the cost of advertising.

In 2022, we discovered that YouTube direct response video ads with high click through rates (CTR) generated dramatic increases in the cost of advertising (CPM).

Put simply, YouTube makes you pay more when people leave their platform.

(In fact, it was this breakthrough discovery that led us to AMPLIFY).

By advertising on the platform in a way that YouTube loves, we were able to build really cost effective campaigns for our client. 

The Results

In less than 10 weeks, we 32x the amount of visitors to our client’s website, with more than 56% of those visitors converting to leads.

That’s the beauty of this content-first approach.

Post-click conversion rates are high because viewers are given a chance to know, like and trust the brand before they are asked to opt-in or buy.

(This is how you say goodbye to curiosity clicks and hyped-up messaging which hinders brand growth.) 

But the best part about all of this was the return on investment. 

With a 4.19 ROAS, we were profitably driving sales for our client like never before. In fact, we decreased the cost per sale by 19.7%.

After just 67 days, our client’s sales had increased by a whopping 850% compared to the 67 days prior.

The good results didn’t end there, though.

Alongside boosting leads and sales, they were rapidly growing their YouTube channel and building their brand.

In the same 67 period, their subscriber rate increased by 137.5%.

Not only did this strategy increase our client’s revenue by 707%, but they experienced an overall performance improvement as a result of running ads.

Did you know we can work with your current agency to supercharge your channel growth and profitably drive leads and sales? Share this page with them, we play nice!


We partnered with our client to get their best content seen by their ideal customers, by advertising on YouTube in a way that the platform and their customers love.

This approach was the driver behind the brand’s success. And it all starts with an Xray.

Our client used our free Xray software to:

#1: Identify their best content for amplification. This allowed us to get their top content seen by their ideal customers to profitably drive leads and sales alongside supercharging their growth.

#2: Get certainty around what content to create going forward. In conjunction with our content frameworks, they were able to take the never-before-seen actionable insights and suggestions to reliably create killer content that they knew their target market would love.

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